Chapter 454 Side Earth Lars (1/2)
“Jilubad continent, have you come after a long time”
“My husband is big … Is it the ogre?”
“Oh well.”
“Are you at work on this continent?”
“No, I’m not a job, but …”
It was close to a whim when I came from Chrome Continent to the Gilbert Continent.
“Well, it is the result of following intuition.”
“Ha, is your intuition?”
My intrinsic skill “goblin” is a skill that intensifies my intuition and intuition. Whether or not the other ‘s word is lie. I could somehow distinguish whether it was words from my heart. Sometimes it may be a little bit off sometimes, but thanks to this, life has been saved many times.
I was told that such intuition should go to the continent of Gilbert. Originally, the word of Murrelia’s evil people triggered it.
The word that she wants me to save the boy named Romeo last time. Well, I did not feel lying. I guess it was from a real word.
And then a man named Zero Sled who fought afterwards. He was a brutal man but I could feel deep sorrow. At that time I did not understand why … ….
Later, when I heard the story that Zero Sled had caught Romeo, I felt foolish. Oppositely it seemed that Zero Sledo betrayed Muulleria, but that was probably a pretense. I do not know why I did such a thing … ….
If so, it seemed natural for Zero Sled to act in order to fulfill the last wish of Muelleria.
You can also predict where Zerusurd took Romeo. The result of investigating the orphanage in each place as Muelleria ‘s ultimate destination to deposit Romeo was summarized as material.
Among them, the orphanage in the big city called Barbola seems to have been checked as a leading deposit place. This is a story I heard from Mia Ladies, so it is no doubt.
Even saying that you have followed another, there is nothing you can have. I do not know well whether he wants to save Romeo or wants to rematch with Zero Sled. However, I thought that I should watch it. And then, when you notice, it is a translation that you were on a ship to the continental Zilberd.
“But, that it is swinging … ….”
As soon as he got off the ship and listened, he knew the location of the orphanage. It seems that it is a quite famous place in Barboura. Recently rank A adventurer came as a patron, so the name seemed to be spreading further.
I asked Romeo about a strangely low-profile woman who came out to respond, but he says he is not in this place.
“Did Zero Sled take her?”
I can end here … ….
“Feeling bad”
I feel like the fish’s ribs are caught in my throat. It may be good to leave it, but I really mind it. Where did Romeo and Zero Sledo go?
Besides, crossing the continent, I can not wait to see the air swing. At the very least, I wanted to see Zeruslyed and Romeo’s appearance at once.
“Where is next if it comes to …?”
Zero threw is a criminal being wanted all over the world. It should be difficult for such a man to keep raising children. If you keep escaping from pursuers, you can not settle.
However, there is a place where such a person can live without worrying about pursuers. A place where criminals around the world escape last. It is tougher than anywhere in the world, but if it is a strong man like Zero Sled, there will be no problem in that place.
“If it is a competent warrior, the place where all of the past is allowed, the continent of Gordicia”
On the continent of Gordísia, historical criminal record is regarded as unnecessary if participating in the Allied forces and even achieving daily norms. Losing an efficient warrior because it does not go down is because it is a big loss in places like that hell.
No doubt, Zero Sled would have aimed for the continent of Gordicia.
“It is best to cross the continent of Gilbert and board a ship at a port town on the east coast.”
In such a way, I stopped by the kingdom of Kingdom of Kursel. There is only the kingdom of a great country truly, boasting a tremendous prowess. It was not so much in my long life that I see such a wall.
In the first place, there are few places in the world that can make king-size cities. It is because it is difficult to build a big city without conditions for generating powerful demons in the surroundings, it is ecologically stable, and it is not a place where transportation is not bad and irrigation is not bad.
In particular, it is difficult to find places where there is no habitable area of strong monsters in the surroundings. It is impossible to build a city in such a place that large demons, such as dragons and giant species, will appear frequently, and even if they can build Yoshima, they will not last long.
In that sense, the Kingdom of Kranzel is a wonderful accomplishment. Most demons in the surroundings are less than medium size, it is not difficult to combat the number of adventurers and knights, even if it is a large devil flowing from other places occasionally, with strong bounds and magical weapons If there are those castle walls, it is not difficult to repel.
It is difficult even in the great country to arrange the strong. It is nice to happen to have a strong human being, but the country lasts for hundreds of years. Considering that, the system that can constantly obtain more than a certain defense force with numbers and tools is more reliable.
I thought that the middle also has developed, but … ….
“No way I never thought of getting caught up in a disturbance here”
I was collecting information on zero slurry at a bar. I could not get his information. It seems that Fran and teacher are in the royal city. Once thought about putting out a face, a large battle occurred in various parts of the royal capital.
I do not know if it is a civil war or a coup d’etat, but humans are fighting each other. Is it that the enemy was unbeatable, it was vulnerable to the internal trouble?
Even so, the noise is big. I thought about such a thing, I was attacked. The swords are strange people stuck in their backs. It was reasonably strong. The cities may be quite dangerous when they are rampant.
When hearing a story at the adventurer guild, it seems that the marquis coup d’etat. Their swords are stuck in their armies. The guild master and others were leading elite, and seemed to be headed for support to various places.
“You can ignore it”
For human beings in this city, I do not know if I am lucky or unlucky to be in this place …. I would like to confirm the safety of Mr. Fran.
I will aim for the king castle that there is an official of the knight party for the time being. You can go there and buy the information, in some cases I can crush the Marquis and the Lara. Thanks to Franz Ladies for being quieted, there should be enough time to run away. It will be powerful.
But apparently the idea was sweet. A girl with tremendous power in Ogi castle was overrunning the Knights. It is a girl of Dragon Man, but the magical power to emit is comparable to me. Whether there is a purpose or not, it has not reached a massive destruction, but if that girl becomes serious, it will become vacant without even half even in this kingdom.
I guess there’s no choice but to do. If you abandon him, disaster will extend to Mr. Fran and Master. I gave a bit of bite after I spoiled the great men who were talking about the grandfather Demitrius, but I have not given much damage. If you do not seriously, I’m the one you ‘
“Well, how long will I keep …?”
The problem is that damage would rather increase if I runaway. I had to put a piece before that.
“Hey, evacuate people from this neighborhood, you will get caught up in our fight”
“Oh, are you … …?”
“I am an adventurer’s Earth Lars, you are being called to kill each other”
“Oh, you are … …. Hey! Evacuate! Use them to escape immediately to Wang Castle! Also evacuate the residents quickly!”
Apparently do you know about me? The most great knight started to move instantly. With this, it will be easier to fight somewhat.
“You do not know the adventurers who are called under the hypothetical name of Kuroi?”
“Is Earth Lars your acquaintance with Franc?”
“Oh, where are you now?”
“It is supposed to be searching for the marquis ashtona”
“Are you far from here?”
Should do. The concern of involvement is likely to be low.
“There is no spirit! Open sword sword!”
Together with my words, the god sword in the hands transforms that figure into a heinous. The gate which kept pushing the terrible power was opened.
“Gravity Prison!”