Chapter 420 The conspiracy of Marquis of Ashtona? (1/2)

“Ah … …. I’m sorry”

“Why apologize? Master has not done anything bad.”


“Well, why are you looking at that! ”

In exchange for the dignity as a guardian, I got a lot of magic stone values ​​and skills.

The manastone value is 1420 in all. 11 skills are new. Moreover, I got two unique skills.

In that skill, I do not have the skill to manage Francis’ eyes.

However, there were several interesting skills. The leading one would be life magic. This completes six complex attributes of thunder magic, life magic, dust magic, molten iron magic, tree magic, ice and snow magic.

I was hoping for a moment but I was able to get the title as well. That name is also “attribute-makers”.

For magicians who had control power of magical power and rise in processing ability during magic operation, they had the ability they wanted enough to get their hands off their throats. Because it is the title of Fran, it has no effect on me, but in the future Fran will be helpful in using magic.

It seems that it has become possible to choose professionals, magicians further. From the name, it is understood that it is a magician’s top position.

Besides, singing, dancing, woodworking, carpenters as skills that are not very useful. It was a skill based skill.

As skills that are likely to be useful, there are usually skills such as corruption invalidity, weight addition, death spirit, animal knowledge. Unique skills acquired predation absorption, cannibalism.

Corruption invalidity is a resistance skill to invalidate corruption attacks as its name implies. Spoilage is an attribute that decays meat if it is an organism and makes it corrode if it is an inorganic matter. It can be said that it is tolerable for me and francs.

It seems that the addition of weight is an upward compatible skill of weight increase already possessed. It is a skill that increases the weight of himself and his equipment, if you use it at the time of attack, you will be able to increase its power.

The evil spirit is a skill similar to purification magic that can beat down if weak undead and can frighten a strong opponent. The animal knowledge is that way. Well, I will not lose with it.

It is a unique skill that you care about, but predatory absorption is a skill that raises experience values ​​obtained from meals. It is possessed by Urushi, but there are some skills that I believe would have been gained by the effect of this skill, so I think that it will serve the ground.

And they are cannibalistic. Well. This is a subtle feeling. When you kill your own family, you can absorb some of that power. It is also the skill possessed by that Zero Sled. It was because he suddenly absorbed the power of the evil person with this skill that he was rapidly strengthening so much.

However, how about me? Will the same family be a sword sword, intelligence · weapon? Besides, even if it is said to kill. The opponent is a weapon and will it be that he killed himself by destroying it? To be honest, the possibility of invocation was a skill that seemed to be unlimitedly low.

Well, keep it equipped and let’s think it’s lucky when you activate it. Oh, by the way magic tools and magic swords were not recognized as family members. I bought a magical weapon with a weapon shop on the side of the inn and it has already been experimented.

As a result, it was only to destroy the high magic weapon in vain.

We absorbed a lot of other skills, but it seems that most of them have been integrated into top skills. No, it’s better if you think about my processing ability. I’ve tried my best to increase the number of skills so far. I am not used to it yet.

After that, when you are trying out the effect of the new skill in the courtyard of the inn, the evening will come shortly. Earl of Beilly said that in one day he will locate Galus’s whereabouts, but what happened?


“Oh, it looks like it came.”

There was a familiar sign near the entrance of the inn. It seems that they are making big signs to let you know what you have visited here.

The owner of the sign goes through the inn as it is and arrives to the courtyard where we are.

There is no doubt in themselves. Frédérique does not imitate it to erase signs as expected. Furan performed soundproofing with wind magic, and told Bermelia to sit on the bench.

As Belmelia is interested in, looking at the frank’s hands.