Chapter 399 Aunt Stellia (2/2)

Stellia will ask for the matter. For Française, for the time being, I gave a letter of introduction from Gumudo, the guild master of Barboura.

“I would like to participate in the auction.

“Ho ho ho to disgrace me?”


When Stellia opens an introduction letter, it confirms the contents as it is. Well, I just want you to give me the maximum convenience for francs.

However, it seems that the stamp of the emblem being pushed next to the signature is important. I feel something magical, and Stelia actually holds that crest over the crystal.

“It’s genuine, Gumudo’s autograph introduction letter is afraid”

“Do you know Gamudo?”

“Do not abandon Ga Gumdo … Good, do you like that dragon crim Gamudo?”

“I know”

“I do not know! For the generation of ourselves, Gamudo of the dragon crush, Fermus of the dragon hunt, Diaz of the Long Rotation, Speaking of the dragged Eyworth, is it because it is a legendary party?”

Stellia will explain to you until what you have not heard. The gamuds who were active as a rank A party when she ran away seemed to be a longing acquaintance.

They seem to have been a fighting party party hunting a dragon around various places. I am seeing the strength of Gamudo and Fermus with this eye, and although I have appraised Diaz, I should do quite well. If there is one more companion there, the dragon must be hunted. Well, it depends on the type of dragon and the degree of threat.

However, this party will dissolve in about five years from formation. First, Diaz took over as the guild master of Ulmut and passed through the party. After that, the magician called Aiworth and the opinions of Gamudo disappeared, it seems that it broke up like a fighting fight.

I felt like I had heard somewhere like Aiworth, but after the battle tournament it is the name of the magician guild who tried to solicit the fran to the guilds forcibly. Aiworth magician guild. It was a story that it was a guild like a radical underground organization, but from the name the Aiworth would be the organization that he made.

Felmus seemed strangely familiar with internal affairs, but it may be natural if it was originally a companion. Diaz was strangely hostile to the magician’s guild, probably because of the feud of the time when I was forming a party.

The magician, Aiworth, is said to be a human-type man who uses ice-snow magic and death-poison magic. I do not want to see you, but if I meet you, I will pay attention to these two types of magic.

“Oh … … I just spoke to you a little,”

Even though we had talked about, Stellia continued talking unilaterally. Fran is not issuing anything other than the word “men”. Nonetheless, I was satisfied by talking about my favorite things. Stellia regains calmness.

“Well, I can not do anything at all with my attitude, I call a man above me, can you sit still in the chair there and wait?”

“Okay, I understand”

After Stellia removed his seat, the adventurers were observing the fur in a long way. She seems to have a strong influence, and there is nothing like calling out. Well, I do not have any hassle.

“Well then, why wait while having a cup of tea?”


Frank takes out tea and tea request from his dimensional storage.

“that? You said it was tea, were not you? ”


Surely the drink is tea. I am drinking tea. But what is the cuisine arranged with the table narrow? No, I understand. I guess he’s gonna have a tea deal.

Pancakes, cookies and pies would be nice. Pancakes are one of my favorite francs lined with curry. Mitarashi dumplings and Daifuku are concerned about the tea ceremony, but it is not none. Steaks also allow Gili as a beastman’s tradition.

But what about curry and fried rice and cooked rice? Completely eating? Moreover, everything is rice.


“… … Do you eat francs and salads too? ”

“Okay, I understand”

Nutrition should be ingested in good balance.