Chapter 398 Backstreet (2/2)

I was wondering if the young adults were attacking with a sharp rise, but it was unexpectedly calm. Furan seems to be weak, but he is capable of carrying swords and having the ability to detect signs. Besides, he has a wolf.

I guess that it was safer to earn small change than to take away everything with real ability.

“You may tell me separately, give it out” –

“Hey, keep it there”

Although he was a young man trying to urge the information fee with his lowly expressive expression, that line is obstructed by someone. Franc stared at the senior man who is the lord of that voice with somewhat rugged eyes.

This man is the opponent who began to trap us at about the same time as a young man. Yes, to the extent that it can be said to be a tail, the manner of erasing signs was good. Even compared with adventurers of scouts, there will be equal abilities.

It seems that even as a fran, this man is recognized as an unwilling partner. However, the man did not try to match his faces with the frank, but stared at the young man with the attitude of somewhere and his back.

“What did you do, Mr. Calc?”

“Do not go out to that lady”

“I just thought that I will get an information fee just a little while I go out?”

Naturally, the young man makes a dissatisfying expression in the man’s word of Kalk. I guess he thought he was deprived of his prey.

“Do not care about that lady anyway”

“What’s going on?”

“You do not need to know! Let it disappear altogether!”

“Wow, I understand!”

She yelled at a fearfully serious looking character, and the young man leaves the fran as it is. I will not forget to stare at the franc as he left, but he quickly kicked his back to Kalk.

The young man rolls on the ground and ruins and hits the wall. Do not you think that it would be there so far, looking up at Calc with a fearful expression?

“Okay, I told you to disappear adultly”

“Hiss, it was very bad!”

At the end I was exposed to the intimidating skills of Kalk, and it ran away with the crawling crawling body. Immediately after that, Karuku bowed his head deeply on the spot.

“Sorry, he does not know the difference in ability, is not it Boncra, is this a generous heart, can not you forgive me?”


“No, no, if you do not get angry, whatever you say you do not want to go to the adventurer guild, are not you?”

“Do you tell me the way?”

“Hey, hey. Here it is”

Apparently it seems to guide me.

“Do not you tell me the way?”

“No, I will show you … It is not unreasonable that a fool like him would not put it out a bit, so what will happen to the district if you get into a situation that makes you violent …”

Karuk muttered with frightening expression. I see. It seems that Kalk is good at manipulating others’ ability. Appraisal was the owner of the demon which is the weak eyes. This seems to be a demonic eye that can recognize stronger partners than me. Moreover, it seemed that I could understand the competence difference with myself to some extent. It seems that Franc seems to be a rare monster in Calc.

What if those francs get blown off by the opponent and rampage? The damage to the surroundings becomes enormous. He is the most afraid of it.

Well, whatever the reason, there is no lie in the word that Kalk says to guide directions. Rather it seems to be more detailed in the road, let’s rely on Calc here.

“I understand, please.”
