Chapter 385 Proposal from Beastite Country (2/2)
Oops, it was bigger than I thought! Hmm, it looks serious. And it seems that flexibility is beneficial. I have not laughed at all and its face is sharp and revolutionary. How can I say that seriously walking with clothes on? What on earth will you say?
“First of all I will check the position of both parties.”
“Yes, first of all, in your fight this time, you participated in the fight as a local collaborator, not having received any order from our country, or receiving a request from an organization such as a guild etc. There is no doubt. ? ”
“If it does so, it will be in the form of paying the prescribed remuneration as with other collaborators if it is normal.”
It seems that in the beast-country country, remuneration, etc. for local collaborators in wartime time are decided. And in light of the law, it seems that this franc is treated the same as other collaborators.
If we do not consider the difference in fighting results, will it? For example, we engaged in fighting with demon animals, but there are also medical journalists traveling that have continued to see innocent people sick and injured all night, merchants who provided goods at no cost, and can be measured in battle in general It was that it was not.
Also, although witnesses are royalty, they can not accurately compile warfare. This was not that franc was not bad, and there were a lot of mercenaries and adventurers who contributed to the defense of other places where it was notable and that they would not be convinced. If you do not do it, you may report their battle paddle with padding.
In other words, if special treatment of only francs is done, it is probably not convinced by other collaborators. Or, other collaborators also have to handle it specially.
I mean, I seemed to have worked hard, but did not you expect me a reward?
“I do not mind using it separately”
Franan nods quietly. Of course, I did not fight for reward, and there were many battles that I got. If there are others who worked hard, I guess they do not care about the same treatment.
Well, there is nothing good to dispute with the country, and should I get some rewards? If so, Raymond opened his mouth again with a slightly impatient tone.
“But, as Japan is unlikely to dismiss you, I would like you to understand it.”
It seems that he is impatient with Franz’s approval.
“Yeah, if you treat Furan’s achievement the same as other people, you will no longer see collaborators,”
Even they seem to know that Franc’s achievement is tough. However, from various circumstances, such as laws and business trips, it can be said that it can not simply be treated as special.
“So, it is a suggestion, fortunately, you are accompanied by Princess Nemea, so why do not you say that you received a command of Princess Nemea and stopped the monster’s army?”
“What do you mean?”
Guijasa explains to the furan who tilts his head.
“First of all, the disadvantage of drinking this proposal is that some of the accomplishments of Franca are deprived by Princess Nemea, and that things that are friendly to our country Well, there is a possibility that restrictions will be imposed on traveling to countries that are hostile to our country, etc. As of now it is about Bashar Kingdom so we do not need to worry too much I think. ”
“I see”
“As an advantage, you will need to publicize your achievements extensively, so good effects can be expected to improve the status of the black cats that Franca is aiming for.”
The more franc’s achievement heroic, the more Mere will be a merit for Mare, who gave authority to the franc and left the fight. And if the story that the Black Cat franc has saved the country spreads as a bad guy, the eyes that see the black cats will change to the better one.
“In addition, if it is said that you were receiving the royalty’s mission, you can differentiate it from other collaborators, even if you give special rewards, you will be forgiven”
Is that something like that? Certainly, if Nemea’s order were to be decided, it would also be named a special reward. It may be possible to add such achievement, such as saving royalty.
Well, the story that Fran fought alone for the fellow Black Cat tends to have fought with Nemea’s order, but that would be a trivial problem. Rather, if the country advances francs outstanding achievement, it is convenient for black cats and francs.
“Well, what should I do ……”
Will it depend on rewards you get? Let me ask you what you intend to give me.