Chapter 363 Encounter between two people (1/2)
As usual, Alistair who did not make tremors while closing his eyes, unexpectedly opened his eyes and raised his face.
“Okay, I got ready, I will put it in the renovation work anytime.”
Say so, wipe the sweat of the forehead. He did not drink for several hours and he did not eat it. I think that it is considerably exhausted, but I can not see big fatigue on that face.
“Do not you have a day off?” It’s already night. ”
I can see the darkness of the night unexpectedly from a small window equipped in this room. The room was so shiny that I did not notice it at all.
“I am fine, I am a body that is hard to feel fatigued, but I still have a long way to go, so I will take a break for a while …”
“Fran was also tired? ”
“Because I got tired, you go out for a break.”
I just told you I was a tired body just before. I am obviously concerned about Fran. However, since Fran was not a child who can not read the air enough to abandon its care, he nodded in Alistair’s words.
“all right”
“Well, let’s go up.”
“Is it useless here?”
“I cook food in the workplace”
It seemed that it was a commitment as a craftsman. It was good, in the midst of the analysis Halapeco Franc took out the dish and began to eat. It is likely that Alistair’s concentration ability was disarrayed. Or, the analysis work may have been interrupted.
“Well, that’s … ….”
Franc watched me with chirari. I’m worried about keeping me here.
“Fran, it’s okay. There is no pain any longer, so do not worry. ”
“But …”
“Unlike me the francs get tired and a break is necessary. Even if I recover, it is meaningless if the fur is down? ”
What I was doing, Alistair lifted me up normally.
“Apart from that, I have finished the restoration and I can move if I do not fight intensely.”
Please say more soon! I exchanged plainly ordinarily!
“Hey fran”
Oh, the back of the franc will be calm after all. Girls old man ‘s special sheath too. I just fit it to me and have the feeling of being wrapped? Or have you come back home? Anyway the security is amazing.
“Here it is”
As Alistair led the stairway, it was surprisingly an ordinary mansion. It may be more luxurious than a sophisticated inn. It is a stone-made, elegant villa style interior.
The point of the door where Alistair broke down was a dining room. In front of a large marble table table, there are already some customers.
“Did you finish?”
“We are still in a rest.”
“Hey, more stuffed fool stupid”
“Oh, sorry”
As I thought, Earth Lars is weak against Alistair, I feel like I’m refraining. There is friendliness, but it is feeling that Earth Lars is pulling one step further.
Such a figure of Earth Lars which command tone was even for that Chiara was intense and uncomfortable. I do not think it is the same person.
Fran was also feeling the same way, tilted his little head with doubts.
“Hey, are they bothered with each other?”
It was a straightforward question. Alistair looks at her brows and Earth Lars is a troubled face. Was it not to listen?