Chapter 256 Suarez (1/2)

After disarming the two executives, let him sit down and interrogate.

“How are you manipulating water dragons?”

“Well, I do not know!”


“ぃ ぃ ぃ ぃ!”

In the thighs of the pirates who tried to defeat during this period, Franc mercilessly urged me. A pirate that pours into severe pain.

“How are you manipulating water dragons?”

“I do not know boys, bosses, or their surroundings!”

“Well, it is true! People who are like pirates who are like us are not informed of detailed things!”

“Good at a minimum, speak what you know”

“Get out your sword, sweep away!”


Franc finally pulled me out of my thighs. As soon as that, the stabbed pirate begins to cry so fearfully and painlessly.

Looking at the situation of such a friend, if I go against it, I guess I understood that it was my turn next. Petite magician obediently speaks to what heard, but also talks about something that has not been heard yet.

I did not know the details in detail, but it seems that they do not use big magic equipment etc when ordering water dragons. If the former Prince of Seedlan called boss orders ordinarily with words, it seems that the water dragon follows mildly.

I do not know just by asking if it is a small magic tool to wear, or some skill or magic. However, there were some harvests.

First I knew the name and appearance of the prince. The name is Suarez Seedlan. The appearance is the big guy with silver hair brown skin, it seems to carry a huge battle ax. Individuals’ wartime is also terrible, it seems that they are proud of the strength not to be opponent with a similar adventurer. Is not it easy to capture this?

Also, it seems that the magic apparatus that is strengthening the water dragon is installed at the rear part of the ship. It is quite a huge device, but the parcel itself is cut off and you can not find it even if you try to search normally.

They knew neither how to enter that section nor the exact position. Originally, it is not the vassal that was originally followed by the former Prince Suarez, but it seems to be a former pirate group executive who fell to the army gate in this area. Suarez is not completely trusted, and important information is not taught.

“No, as I told you knew what I knew!”

“So, so only life … …”

“I understood”

“Huh, true – Buddha!”

Frank kicked out the face of the magician’s pirate. With that momentum the body is thrown out of the deck and falls to the sea. Spear pirates who saw it call out loudly that the promise is different.

“And promises are different! Good, only life can help us!”

“I have not killed, but I just thrown away in the sea as it is in the way”

“Why, say something – Aya!”

You have not killed directly? Because I’m getting better now, I guess it’s done as much as hunting consciousness. You may survive if you are lucky? Well, it probably will die with a good chance. It is a pirate who is a pro of the ocean but it is a pirate who is a pro of the sea, and survive surrendering the vitality of the cockroach as well.

“I feel relieved by the teacher!”

“A heartless place is wonderful!”

“We must also apprentice”

Perhaps it was not that good for educating newcomers? No, to empathize to the pirates invites their own death. Then, it would have been nice to have been taught about unforgiveness. That’s true?

“Well, then, will we go looking for Suaraz and Tara? ”


I will also tell the characteristics of Suarez to the adventurers who remained on the deck. You have to find it with everyone. Since Moldreds already seem to have entered the ship, they also asked Mordred to tell Suarez ‘s information.

I do not know how strong Suárez is, but in some cases we may not be able to cope unless we are Mordred.

“Urushi looking for Suarez”
