Chapter 182 Let’s sort out (1/2)

“Finally ranked up! ”


“It’s a celebration. All-you-can-eat curry! Moreover, topping is as ok as much as you like! ”

“Mushrooms raised sushi-cut hamburger curry curry warm balls on super-sir”

If you put it as it is told by Fran, it looks like a mega prime challenge menu. Well, because Fran is pleased, is it okay?

“Do not push yourself”


“So, Urush is a promised super curry curry”


I will put out a super curry curry that puts in spicy spice etc in the original spicy curry to Urushi. Bright red curry to simmer is like a blood pond hell, but Urush drooled a salty and stared at the curry.

Well, even if there is a body, I do not need that. I do not want even Franc.

While dispatching ice cream after meal to the Franz who flatly flattened the curry, I was reorganizing what I knew so far. Oh, I will leave it for the moment that I might have been made by a priestess smith. It has nothing to do with the evolution of francs.

The beginning was 500 years ago. The black cats of those days were wielding power as the tribe tribe, and it was a beast, or a power hierarchy similar thereto.

However, he commits a great sin and gives him punishment with the wrath of God. Because of that, I was put some restraint on evolution, after 500 years no one could evolve.

The gold lion – that is, the red cats pursue the black cats who lost power, and they get the position of the beast king. It seems that the red cats persecuted the black cat tribe using the blue cats belonging to them, and they reduced their power. Also, it seems that I burned books that are related to evolution and planned black cats to evolve again.

It seems that the blue cats follow the red cats adultly because the other side handles over the tenth generation.

And now the fact that the black cats have evolved has been forgotten. The burning book by the beast royalty and the memory operation of the god are big reasons. How much do you remember except Lumina?

But 53 years ago from now, a black cat girl named Chiara emerges so closely as to the mystery of evolution.

She seems to have contacted Lumina and knew the evolutionary condition for some reason. And, to seek cooperation from Diaz in order to evolve, but suddenly disappears before giving a detailed explanation.

Diaz, Orel, Lumina, who was on good terms with Chiara, searched for her place and gathered various pieces of information. As a result, I guess that her disappearance involves the royal family of the beast and the blue cats belonging to her. Diaz seems to be convinced, but there seems to be no evidence.

Well, if the beast king is still afraid that the black cats evolve, it is not impossible. It seems that the high hostility of Diaz ‘s beast against the king is also concerned with the disappearance of Chiara.

Eventually, Diaz could not grasp the whereabouts of Chiara. And regretting that, it seems that he secretly decided to protect the second black cat who will appear someday this time.

Although I do not know in detail, Lumina gathers magical powers for many years to help evolution, and Diaz, Orel defends her in various ways so that adventurers will not destroy Lumina. Because Diaz is going to be a guild master, it is considerable obsession.

Then, fur appeared there. Early evolution, black cats girls. It seemed that the three people turned hands in various places we did not know. Derez tried so that we could see Lumina, and Diaz helped up rank up etc. Rank C If you become an adventurer, you can protect it with the power of the adventurer guild.

And it seems that Lumina tried to do something to help Franc’s evolution. I do not know what it is.

Did you increase the dwarf in the dungeon, why did you try to drive away the franc? After that, when I see that I can absorb skills from magic stones and see the changed attitude, does some kind of skill are necessary for evolution? Perhaps it was a skill that you could get from a wicked person?

Well, there is little information, and I do not go out of guess at how much I thought. Now that the battle tournament is near, I have to wait while training. Speaking of what you can do later – is your skill strengthening?

“Franc, have you decided on the use of self-evolution points that you mentioned before? ”


Actually I intended to listen on the night of yesterday, but there were various things.

In my expectation, the most likely thing is probably sword sacrifice, sword sacrifice. It has the highest usage rate and it also leads to the rise of the earth’s power.

I wonder if the signs are sensed at the next point. I already got LvMax and I knew that it could be used to detect opponent’s attacks during battle. Other than that, flame magic, thunder magic, attribute sword are likely candidates.

I thought so – -.

“What to strengthen? ”

“Blacksmith is good”

The forecast went off at all. But why are blacksmiths? I was surprisingly surprised.

“Huh? Blacksmith? ”


“Why? Have you never been interested in smith? It is just before the battle tournament and is not it a skill of combat system? ”


Franc’s intention seemed to be hard. But smithing?

“Care of the master is important”

“Is that a blacksmith? It is very hard to choose, but Fran should choose the skill that I want to raise. ”

“Blacksmith is good”

So, I allocated self evolving points to the smith. When asked how far we should raise, I would like to make blacksmith LvMax, and I tried to make a canst for the time being.

“Blacksmith has reached LvMax. Blacksmith: Lv1 will be added to the skill ”

I have learned the smith magic. I may be able to do my own care by this, and it is not bad, but after all I am not convinced.