Chapter 180 master and swordsman (1/2)

It was the first time that I rose my identity from myself. Honesty There is regret that I myself did stupid things. But, now Fran. Has priority. I did not want to make imitations like letting out the end with Lumina here.

Besides, I felt that Fran was feeling stubborn in silence of me in Lumina. I guess he did not want to keep secretly against Lumina. I understand now that I am a little relieved.

“Okay … I did not think I was alone … … it was good.”


“Mum, no, it’s nothing”

No, I was worried completely about Franc right now. I muttered that I was good. After all it was acting trying to keep the franc?

“Well, that sword is a shaku sword?”

You changed the subject to blatantly! Well, it does not seem like a really disliking francs, let’s ride now.

“Unfortunately it is different. The famous blacksmith also said so. Just a sword with a magical power. Unfortunately, ”

“What is mysterious power?”

Well. What should I do. I touched myself unexpectedly, but how far do you teach?

“Fran, what do you do?” I think it’s better to just float and talk about it. ”

(… can you tell me all?)

After all I say so. I do not want to hide secretly against Luminy who has a favor. If the information leaks out of Lumina, it is said that Diaz is an intelligence weapon, although it is Diaz who has the opportunity to meet only. It is bad now. Rather than that, I want Franc to do as I expected. Especially my feelings are different for Lumina.

“Okay, good!”


And Franc told me about Lumina. To absorb manastones and gain skills, saying that they were originally human beings, why are they stuck in the plains of the wolf wolf.

Well, I also have something I expect. The opponent is a dungeon master who lives 500 years. I was wondering if I do not know anything about my roots.

“Have you got a skill from manastones?” What kind of skills is that there was such power? Is it unique skill or extra skill? ”

“For now, there are no skills that I could not absorb from manastones”

“Ability to get any skill … ….”

“No, if it’s from a magic stone,”

“Is that so … … Is that so! Hahaha!”

“What’s wrong?”

“No, no, not at all!”

Lumina burst into laughter. I was a little surprised, but I saw that smiling smile, I do not know it was broken.

“I want to ask you. Why did you reject Fran? ”

“There are many in me”

“What do you mean?” ”

“I’m sorry – I can not tell you, but it was all for Fran, I want you to believe it.”

In other words, is it a story related to evolution? Have you tried to do something to make franc evolve?

“Why were you trying to keep furans away? ”

“It did not want to hurt, but it seems that it hurt our franc more unnecessarily, because of that … Fran.”


“I’m sorry!”

Lumina bowed his head to the franc. I thought that I started to laugh, this is right after. I did not understand the meaning of Fran and Fran.

“I made a fool of myself, hurt my Lord, I really did not finish, it seems I got ahead a while.”

“No, no, Lumina did not dislike me?”

“Of course you can not dislike our Lord!”

“Was good”

Although it was good – it is still a mystery. I tried to keep my furrant away for some reason. But, knowing my ability, has it no longer needed? Well. However, if it is related to evolution, it would be impossible to ask the reason for refusing.

“Even so, it’s a powerful capability, is not he really a sword?”

“I told you it is too weak for sword fighting”

“Not all swords are superior in fighting strength”

“Is it so? ”

“Well … wait a moment”

Lumina said so and disappeared in the back of the room. And I will bring back something. Apparently it looks like a scroll.

“Let me wait, see this.”

“What is this? ”

“A list of sword swords, which I gained in long ago, is incomplete”

“what? seriously! ”

You are interested in me. There certainly was something’s name listed in order.

Shogun Sword Alpha Ulmer

Mad Sacred Sword Berserk Dionis

× Wisdom Sword Cherubm Ermela