Chapter 147 Arrive at the dungeon (1/2)
I asked the lady guard at the place, but the explanation is brief.
“If you go to the west dungeon, go to the west fort. If you head to the east dungeon, walk to the east fortress and you’ll get there.”
There seems to be a dungeon in that cylindrical building. To be exact, that building was built like enclosing the dungeon.
At the beginning when Diaz signed a contract with the dungeon master, the vast majority of people were skeptical about the dungeon and there were still many uneasy voices of existence.
Therefore, it was necessary to show that measures are being taken so as to suppress the anxiety of the people of the Kingdom of the Kingdom. Even if the dungeon master betrayed, if you enclose it with thick walls, you can also prevent the flooding of monsters at the water’s edge. The wall surrounding the town has the same meaning.
Even if the fortress surrounding the dungeon breaks through, the wall surrounding the town becomes the second cage. If measures are taken to this extent, many citizens will be relieved.
But what about the inhabitants of the town of Ulmut? The worst, the town is the battlefield.
I asked the lady general, but the residents of Ulmut seemed to welcome the dungeon rather. The vast majority of residents are stakeholders of adventurers and merchants who have emigrated to know that there is a dungeon here. Such a thing seems to be prepared. Rather, the dungeon seems to be thinking that it must be protected because it is a kind of rice.
Even if it is a castle wall that surrounds the town, it seems to be recognized as lucky because he made it with money from the country.
It’s truly rough, adventurers and residents of the city where astounding merchants gather. It is strong.
As the lady general said, always keep walking while keeping the east fortunes in sight. It is a maze-like cityscape that has been forgotten somewhere, such as urban planning.
Moreover, as it approached the fort, it seemed to increase its complexity. It seems to be a district where the cityscape is also old, especially in the town. Due to the fact that it was built in the early days, it did not care about the building law and the appearance at all, and it evolved into disorderly.
Sometimes I climb the stairs, sometimes turn back at the end and continue walking 1 hour. We were standing in front of the eastern fort.
“I arrived, is this a dungeon?”
“It’s a fort covering the dungeon. You can see the entrance to the dungeon if you go inside from that deck gate. ”
It was quite big to see nearby. But it is not an ordinary fort. Without moats, the gate is small. There are not even windows. Well, even if called a fort, its purpose is to seal the dungeon.
It seems that soldiers are actually resident on upper floors and prepared for emergencies.
There are about ten adventurers in front of the reception hut built in front of the gate. It seems to be waiting for the entry procedure.
We also line up in the line. You are noticing it after all. But, there are no guys going out for a while.
The eastern dungeon seems to have many adventurers over the rank D, and it seems that the france is not a thing. Also, the presence of urushi is also great. I am getting back to the original size now, so its intimidation is tremendous.
Even a somewhat adventurous person seems to hesitate to imitate a giant wolf opponent who is going to be caught. It is a hand that can not be used inside the town or inside the dungeon where the aisle is narrow.
“Next person – it is deca! Wolf Deca!”
“Hey, what did you do!”
A soldier who is conducting an entrance examination screams at seeing the urushi. Oh, because of the blind spot of the building, did not the soldiers see the urushi?
“Oh, sorry, I am a little surprised”
“I am sorry for this foolish lady.”
Compared to the soldiers I met outside the town, I feel a lot. Gara is not bad either. Seniors can also be felt from the way we lower our head. More than anything, I do not feel any scorn or frustration with Fran. Fran was also surprised.
“… …?”
“is there something wrong?”
“It is completely different from the soldier who was outside the town”
“Oh … Did you mean something?”