Chapter 128 evil spirit Rinford (1/2)


It was prevented by the auto barrier, but it has been woven in. From here is the actual one.

“- Burst Flame”

“- Burst Flame”

“- Ao won!”

Well, what I do is not different from what I was doing earlier. Continue activating barriers by continuing to knock down weak attacks seamlessly, stop movement and consume magical power. There will be no barriers if the magical power is exhausted everything.

“Too bad!”

There is a distinctly impatient expression on the face of Lymphold. Will it keep going like this?

“Gougou ……! The corridor is inadequate … Whether it can not be helped! Vampire like! Power to me!”

Will not you be beaten as it is now? Lynford started casting spells with a burning expression. A tremendous amount of evil spirits from the temple concentrates on Lynford.

What is this! It’s as though the temple is giving power to Lynford …. Is it a wicked crystal work?

Damn, crisis detection is responding to Bing. Is not it a reaction since it faced Midogarsuolm?

“Fran! Urushi! Get away! ”

Urush was a shadow over, Fran and I retreated outside the temple by metastasis.

Immediately after, the bomb sound roars, evil magical power rings with light. And the temple was blowing away from a big explosion from the inside. Dust and gravel descend into the surroundings, the temple turns into a mountain of rubble.


A roaring echoing the night sky.

Heck it! What was at the center of the rubble was a giant over 15 meters tall. Muscularised muscles to the point where it can be recognized as a humanoid. Dark skin. It has the features of ibil · human, but it is too huge.

Was Lynford summoned? I thought so, but it was wrong.

“Escape girls! Little girls!”

The giant shakes and blows with the air bubblingly. That was Linford himself. When I say it, I feel like there is a face – like.

Name: Lynford Lorencia Age: 100 years

Race: evil person

Occupation: Evil master

Condition: evil spirit

Status level: 99/99

HP: 5620 MP: 4458

Physical strength: 2027 Physical strength: 1887 Agility: 598

Intellectual power: 1459 Magical power: 1987 Dexterity: 115


Casting shortening: Lv 7, Appraisal: Lv 7, Fast play: Lv 9, Evil sense: Lv 9, Condition abnormal tolerance: Lv 6, Incitement: Lv 4, Formulation: Lv 6, poison knowledge: Lv 7, Magical power maneuver, Magical maximum rise,

Inherent skill

Evil: LvMax, evil technique: Lv 5, the grace of the evil spirit, the cage of the evil spirit


A person who is given power of evil spirits



Sorry! It is one of the top class strength I have ever met. Even the devil that I met before me exceeds. Definitely above the threat level B. Even A may have arrived. Moreover, I have many skills that I do not understand well. It is suicidal act, such as fighting with us that alone.

“Run away! Runaway also run away! ”



Furan and Urush rush forward. Meanwhile I continued to chant and when I ran about 50 meters I finished the chant.

“- Short Jump! ”

I activate a short jump with Fran. Continually activate this way and leave him. Urush also has some shadows, so it will manage somehow.

But -.

“Hang on! ”



We were hitting things like thin walls. Urush, which should have used shadow casting below, also collides with the walls as we do, and is worried.

“A newly given ability, no one can escape from the cage of the evil spirit!”

That new skill! It was none of such ability! When looking closely, a semitransparent dome with a radius of about 50 meters is deployed around Lynford. This is a cage of evil spirit.

“- Inferno Burst! ”

“- Fire Javerin!”

“Wow! ”

The spiritual catapult from sporadic spells!

“This is not it! ”

The dome is intact. Rather my durability has gone a little. Its strength will be higher than the auto barrier that Linford used before the transformation.

“—- Dimension · Jump! ”

This time it is the technique of medium range metastasis. Although it is possible to move a distance of 100 meters or more, it is difficult to control, the appearance point sometimes deviates to a large extent, but there is no difference that it is a stronger technique than a short jump. How about this one!

“Wow! ”


No! Is it effective to interfere with metastasis?

“- Ivil · Flair”

Evil magical power with swelling behind. If I were a human, goose bumps would have been standing all over my body. Such a sense of crisis. It may be said to be fear. I unconsciously activated the technique I was casting.

“- Short Jump! ”

Immediately after that, a jet-black fireball landed in the place we were in, spreading the explosive flames. A black flame strikes us even we who have metastasized to 30 meters away. In a panic, I put up a magical barriers but I got a slight damage. It would be dangerous if you hit it.

“Well done! If so, – Ivil Familia!”

“Well! ”

“Is this possible to do?”

In response to his technique, innumerable masses of evil appear in the surroundings. 50 will be exceeded. It is a volleyball sized evil bullet. It rushed to us according to Lynford’s voice. The trouble is that the trajectory and speed are quite different. Some bullets headed straight, others were attacking to draw a circle.


“- Fire Shield! ”


“Wind Wall! ”

We shoot down, shoot down, play with a sword, prevent shielded magic.

Fortunately the power of a single shot is not that powerful. But if you eat it even once, the movement will be dullened and it will be overrun by the rushing bullet.

what will you do? I have to think about how to escape. Do you think of ways to cross barriers or break the barrier from the front?

However, the transition of space-time magic and the shadow of dark magic were also prevented by barriers. Do you want to grow further with the remaining points? However, there is no guarantee that it will be beyond barriers.