Chapter 62 New wing? (1/2)

“See you again”

“I’ll be waiting!”

“See you in Ulmut!”

“We are waiting again!”

“Well then,”

We left Alessa while receiving Amanda, Donado, grand-old grandfather, Rundell, Delt and others off.

“It was a good town,”

I do not know this town except for Aresa, though. The beginning was good here.


“Well, I will head west as it is. The aim is to harbor town darts! ”

Take the boat at the port darts and keep it as it is. And to Barbola, a big city called the gateway to the sea of ​​Alessa. From there you use land roads and aim for Ulmut.

Well, it is a selling out of all the materials, so I do not know the image at all.

My current goal is to get on a little better ship. It would be best if you could get on a passenger boat, not just a transport ship.

If it is too expensive and I do not have enough money, I will earn a little with dads. I bought quite a few potions, but I still have 1 million Gordo on hand. It will manage to do something.

“Well, I will ask Urushi”


The urushi bowls down. And Franc jumped over with Hirari.

“Grab firmly? ”


Frank grips the collar’s cord firmly. The collar that Garus touched for Urushi has a short cord for the furan to grab. If you grasp this, it will not be shaken off. I will do a good job, Girls old man.

Urushi’s left and right forefoots are each equipped with a black golden anklet. Each has an effect of a small increase in arm strength, a small rise of agility, and with the function of size adjustment, it is an excellent thing that it does not matter even if the urushi is downsized. This was also what Gallus made.

It is amazing to make this in two days. It is a familiar fellow army smith who can understand again.

“Urushi, Go”


When Urush barks with a good economy, he runs to the west.

Fast fast! In a very short time Alessa moves away.

“Run through like this, urushi! ”

“On on!”

Urush will further speed up with my order. Tail swinging around the boom, tension agedge. However, there is a child descending from tension Dada alone. No, it’s a frank.

“Eyes, painful”

Was Urush too fast? It seems that my eyes can not be opened by wind pressure. I will soften the wind pressure by air current operation.

“What? ”

“I feel comfortable”

Was good. Franc seemed to be comfortable to narrow down his eyes and see the landscape.

“What’s that?”


“That mountain, the top is white”

I am enjoying the road. It seems that the scenery flowing at high speed is unusual. Moreover, it does not decelerate almost. Even if there are obstacles, do not jump in the air. Push forward with a straight line.

“O, is that a demon?” ”


“Here, behind that tree”



And, occasionally I found a monster, and attacked it and cried. There seems to be no strong monstrata in this neighborhood, it is a bastard with a rush of urushi. Absorbs manastones, stores meat, internal organs and bones eat urushi. Yeah, I do not need any waste.

However, fast movement did not last so long. No matter how much the monster’s ulushi, I will be tired if I keep running. My hungry also decreases.

Sometimes it makes heavy use of mid-air jump, MP has decreased a lot.

“it can not be helped. You will be on foot for a while. ”


“What about the urushi? ”


Urush lightly crawls, it sinks into the shadow of Fran. There are two skills that go into the shadow, called Shadow Drooping, Shadow Crossing, in Urushi. Shadow dive can only move into the target shadow, shadow casting can move from shadow to shadow.

Unlike many shadow over the magical power consumption, shadow diving seemed not to consume almost magical power. Apparently, it consumes magic only when entering the shadow, while you are entering it seems there is no consumption. So, during the shadow we seemed to be able to recover naturally.

If you are in the shadow of Fran, you can move with Fran and it is a useful skill.

“Well, will you go slowly?”


If I eat lunch, I will depart on foot.

This neighborhood turns into neighborhood around Alessa, the forest zone is cut off and the plain continues. However, unlike the plain of a wolf wolf like Savanna, it feels like a field with short grass growing thick.

As far as the scenery changes, is it that you are away from Alessa? I can understand the speed of urushi well.

It departs from Alessa for half a day. I casually looked up at the sky, I had a surprised voice in mind.

“Woooooooooo? Come on! Why! ”


“Here, that is it! ”

“which one?”


“Well, next to the clouds! The one who is floating in the sky! ”

“That floating island”

“Floating island? What that? Fantasy! ”

Because it is floating island? It’s a floating island. Ghibli fan will be drowning. No, not being so, I am not capable of fantasy lovers.