Chapter 60 I checked it (1/2)
Stop that name. Old Shuren.
We were in the data room. To investigate the knowledge gained from Amanda in the middle of a trip.
Franc is able to sit any number of times if it takes a nap or fishing, but when studying in the materials room the concentration will not last long.
So, check it carelessly, you will quickly learn.
In the morning it was a simulated game with Amanda, from the afternoon when I ate the investigate, oyatsu and take a nap or fish, it was a way to spend the past few days.
“I want to read magical materials today”
“Even if you say magical material, do you have a wide range?”
“Tentatively a compound magic”
“If so, then on the shelf there is the third row from the bottom, on the far right, it is written for beginners about compound magic.”
As usual I am memory of memory.
Materials recommended for Shuren grandfather were easy to introduce complex attributes and it was very easy to read.
I read the page while turning the page on the franc. Franc is just completely boys. After that, I examined other magic as well, but as for rare attributes, there were not too many materials.
And it is easy to summarize what you finished reading in the past few days.
Tree: Water + earth. As its name suggests, it is a line that manages plants. It can grow not only but also it can die. Also, there seems to be a technique for not getting lost in the sea.
Ice ice and snow: water + wind. Manipulate the cold. It is also possible to attack with ice or snow, or to take away heat and freeze it. You can get resistance in cold areas.
Life: water + fire. I will control life. Recovery can be done, but its real value is deeper. It is possible to nurture life and play. It is also used for homunculus research combined with alchemy and the like.
Thunder: The wind + fire. Magic that can manipulate electric shock and magnetic force. There is a technique not only to attack but also to raise the response speed along the body.
Sand dust: wind + earth. In addition to manipulating sand, it can also handle drying, dehydration, weathering and others. It seems that it is also used for processing foodstuffs.
Molten iron: earth + fire. Metals, ores, lava and so on. The so-called attribute to be imaged from under the ground. Many people use this technique for blacksmiths.
The special attribute is like this.
Space-Time: manipulate time and space. It seems that metastasis, time operation, summoning etc are confirmed.
Moonlight: reflection and mental manipulation, physical manipulation. I was reminded of a vampire or a wolf man.
Auxiliary: Attributes specialized for assisting status ups, barriers, etc. There is a technique that is similar to other attributes, but the effect as much as auxiliary attributes can not be obtained.
Oh, I also checked the skill of Girls’ old man who was anxious after checking other skills.
Blacksmith: A system gathering magic that is necessary for smithing. It is said that the god of blacksmith created for the blacksmith. It includes various magic such as fire, wind and molten iron, but it seems that it can be used only for smith because its power drastically decreases when used in battle.
Magic smith: A technique to build magic weapons by putting magical power into blacksmithing. Advanced magical power control that can not compare with ordinary smiths is possible, and it is possible to give target effects and attributes.
Even with similar names, it was completely different.
Actually there are many other things I would like to investigate, but we decided to leave the library room. It was defeated by Fran Franc’s hungry appeal. No, I ate up lunch.
Is it any help, if you eat oiyatsu, will you go even to verify your skills? Fran should no longer like the data room.
When you move out of town, ask them to confirm that there are no people, and then we will verify your skills.
First of all, it is a confirmation of the skills I got at a spider web. Unfortunately Trickster Spider’s Manastone was not available and there was noticeable attention so it did not absorb large amounts but we could absorb about 10 traps and tricks in total.
Confusion poisoning generation: Lv 1, infrared visualization: Lv 1, poison injection: Lv 1, paralytic poison generation: Lv 1, poisoning production: Lv 1
Poisoning system skills were the ability to create poison in their body. It can give poison attributes to blood and body fluids. The poison seemed to have no influence on himself, and even if Fran was used, there was no problem at all.
Infrared vision is, well, its name.
And poison injection. It was the ability to inject the poison produced. Without the toxic skill, I thought that it was pointless skill, I could inject poison of demonic poison. This is pretty obscene … ….
I also want to check the attribute sword.
“First off is the flame attribute”
I also used it in a spider’s web, but it’s quite powerful.
“Is not it hot? ”
While swirling a sword that burns red and red and whirling me, Frank answered with a cool face. I do not feel like having patience.
However, Urushi is doing so. Users will have less impact.
The problem would be over boost when using wizard skills. Try lightly with magical power.
“What? ”
“A hot”
Well, after all it is impossible to shake me in this state. It is unlikely to be used only at catapult. Sorry.
“Well, why do not you try other attributes, first of all it’s basic attributes”
Earth and water are subtle. Although the power goes up, of course, both seems to be an effect of increasing impact force. It would be useful if blowing weapons.
However, the wind is good. Sharpness rises tremendously. The additional effect like the heat of the fire attribute is thin, but if it is simple attack power the wind will be higher.
“How about the dark? Can you put it in the first place? ”
Oh, it is a sword of darkness. Cool! However, I do not know the effect well. It is certain that sharpness is rising … ….
“Do not you understand Urushi? ”
The dark magic is better at the urushi. I thought it would be a hint.
“Oh, Urushi! ”
Screaming with screams by the urushi trying to smell Cunkun smell. Hey, what are you doing?
If you check the status, the MP is decreasing. It seems that it deals damage to the MP. Besides, just by touching it?
“Are you alright?”
I got the effect by virtue of sacrifice. OK, let’s go next.
“Next is lightning”
“Okay, I’ll do it.”
With my blade, crackling and electricity burst. Furan cut it and try it.
This was quite useful. If weak, stun gun. If it is strong, you can burn your opponent from inside. Moreover, it will be difficult to prevent it because it is electric. It should be quite effective in interpersonal warfare.
“Thunder sword cool”
“Does Franc like this?”
“I’m terribly terrible”