Chapter 29 What got from Goblin (1/2)
Although there were a lot of top classes, more than 100 fish goblins would have been sure.
“But no monster came near me”
“I am happy”
I think that the smell of blood is filled so much, and I think that there is never anything that a demonic beast does not feel. As I come near you, I suddenly change direction and leave. Even if intelligence is low, do you fear if you see this disaster? As Fran Francs says, it was good that collection was easy.
“There are also some new skills. Besides, it seems interesting. ”
It is the thing which I got in this fight, the biggest one is, of course, the growth of furans. However, I got a variety of besides that. Physically.
There are 50 weapons made of iron and bronze, even if they are broken or rusted. There are also a few armor. Well, it smells dirty, and most of the armor has been thrown away. It was a great harvest that there was a bit of magical items. Let’s examine the details later.
The new skill is like this.
Casting shortening, light work, dependency contract, kick leg technique, kick leg technique, dead spell magic, poison absorption, poison magic, ax technique, immobility heart
It is a skill that I got from four kinds, Hobgoblin / Dark Mage, Hobgoblin / Necromancer, Hobgoblin / Grappler / Hobgoblin / Gladiator.
Well, there was also a problem.
“There was Hobgoblin”
Four of them who offered the new skills were Hobgoblin. That status was more than the goblin king who was killed before. So that means that already Goblin Queen is born and breeding has begun?
“Hey, is Goblin growing so fast? ”
“Yeah, about 10 days, it seems to be an adult”
“It’s as good as insects. Then, is not it a bad guy? ”
Is there a possibility of large breeding of hob goblin?
“You had better return to reporting to the adventurer guild. It is where we just want to hunt, but if we leave it alone, it could be a big hit. ”
For the time being, I tried to collect only the dead body of Hobgoblin.
“Fran! ”
I flew towards the franc with a speed to rush. Franc does not panic and grabs my handle.
“That’s over!”
“Hey, is this all goblins?”
“What a terrible thing … …!”
“You can save time and effort”
It seemed like adventurers. There are figures of runners who helped a few hours ago. They reported on goblins and people were dispatched.
It is dangerous and dangerous. I was nearly able to see a scene that was moving without permission.
“Lady chan! Are you OK?”
“What about injuries?”
“All right”
“This is …… All the little girls?”
When Furan nods, the ten adventurers will have a uniformly surprising expression.
“What is this number … … on one person?”
“If that is true, rank E …… No, it’s not a narrow nest hole, it’s like rank D adventurers at a time against the great troops, no more.”
“Eh! Rank D?”
Something is arbitrarily excited. Certainly, was the adventurer rank decided according to the threat level of the monster?
Level that you can deal with the same rank of devils, preparing them well and making parties with them and not dying. Also, if it was a demon of the rank one down, it could be a level that I could stand alone with.
In other words, if the adventurer of rank E, it is the level to hunt a monster of threat level E by organizing a party with 4-6 adventurers of the same rank. And if it is a demon of rank F, one must be able to kill it.
“Well, Goblin is G for 1, F for 10, and E for 100,”
Franc who defeated 100 goblins by one person, even if it is low estimate, it has the ability of rank D. In addition, this time, it is over 100 animals, including a lot of the top species, and at the same time in the forest favorable to the opponent at the same time. It seems that it is somewhat raising evaluation from adventurers.
A man of a dwarf who seems to be a leader explains it to his colleagues. Yes Yes. It is pleasant to hear that Fran is praised. You can compliment me more?
However, Frank seems not to be concerned with the evaluation which said so. I shielded the words of Dwarves and put the corpses of Hobgoblin in front of me.
“Is this a hobgoblin?”
“Oh my gosh,”
“And four, is it?”
“Already, the stage where Hobgoblin is out outside the nest!”
Apparently, it seems quite a situation. If left unattended, within 10 days, the goblin stampede, that is, the invasion of the goblins will happen.
“Oops, sorry, I did not introduce myself yet, I am Elevento, a Class D adventurer of Alessa, could you name the name?”
“Are you traveling? Thank you for stopping the goblins here.”
“I am an adventurer of Alessa”
“Mum, No, I have Alessa for over 10 years, but I have no memory of seeing my daughter …”
It is such a small expression that she is a beautiful girl, and she can not miss a strong franc. It seems to be an elevent party member, three men nods. Another party made up of beasts is a similar reaction.
“Registered yesterday”