Chapter 75: Time Stop [Part 3] (1/2)
The horned ones were left in shock as their princess's figure vanish away with Gray. The orange haired man was even more infuriated. 'Helping the enemy, Is she insane!?!'. He slammed his hands into the ground, cracking it as he grounded his teeth.
”I won't stand for this… She better have some sort of plan!”
The princess's eyes looked around, surprise by the sudden change in scenery. In a flash they had gone from the first floor to the boss room of the second.
”Umu, this ability seems like something truly useful to have. Looks like choosing to help you was a good choice. Although It won't be for fr-”
Without bothering to finish, her eyes widened as she stared at Gray. Her expression had gone from that of surprise to confusion. ”You… Why are you bleeding?” She asked.
Gray didn't understand the meaning of her words, he soon after discovered what they meant however, as his vision grew a blurry red.
After rubbing his eyes, it got a little better, but he could see a stream of fresh blood on his arms.
An instant later, Gray was on his knees his hand positioned in front of his eyes as he groaned out in pain. What had started off as a small stream, was now an ongoing massive flow of blood.
”So this is Gray's sister…” Violet muttered as she got a good look at her face. ”They don't really look anything alike.” She added.
Dark, long hair awkwardly hanged over her paused, tense face. Gorgeous lashes, stood gracefully above her shut eyelids. Ria's hair was a silky black, whereas Gray's was well, Gray.
Her appearance resembled that of a cute little angel who slept. Her figure, short and thin belonging to
”Mn, different hair colors…” Said Aurora as she nodded.
”Well Gray's hair color is unusual, I'd be surprised if her hair color was also named after him.” Violet, proceeded to shake her head, as she had been diverting off topic. ”Even so… How much longer is he going to take? This wound is definitely deep…” Violet added.
The cut off arm of a monster could be seen sticking out of her bloodied stomach. It had pierced it's way in through the back and still managed to go all the way through.
”Thankfully, Gray used his ability in time… But even still it worries me, will he be able to find a healer in such short time?”
Where would he find one? The only other people in this labyrinth were the horned ones. Realizing this, Violet frowned.
”Don't tell me he's going to try to get one of the horned people to heal-”