Chapter 72: Despair. (1/2)

From within, their figures could be seen being propelled like jets towards the bottom as a result of Violet's telekenesis. Once again, it proved itself to be very useful.

The further down they went, the more their ears hurt from the pressure. Whilst they held in the pain, a few human corpses belonging to people who had drowned could be seen, sunk at the bottom.

It was pitch black all around. Thanks to his evolved eye sight, after scanning the area, Gray pointed Violet's hand in the direction he wanted her to propel them.

Understanding the gesture, she did, and a few seconds after doing so.


They suddenly passed through a strange barrier within a small gate and right after doing so their figures dropped down onto another platform at the top of a staircase.

Without even bothering to give them enough time to catch their breaths, Gray rushed down the stairs.

[Time remaining: 00:57]

Making sure they wouldn't lose him, they followed right after. Gray's eyes were only focused on the timer as he leapt down the stairs, to speed things up.

He was moving so fast, that he hadn't even noticed that Aurora and Violet had been left behind.

[Time remaining: 00:39]

Having reached the bottom of the staircase, he rushed through the gates without wasting a second, only to be greeted by a small room filled with books.

The book shelves were covered with cobwebs and there were a few skeletons lying around, and the books were obviously written in English based on the titles on the covers.

Ignoring it, Gray moved on rushing straight ahead. As he passed by one of the shelves however, time seemed to stand still, as a book caught his eyes. Among the vast collection of books around,just one single book had done so.

[Chronicles Of The Chronos] The was what the title read on the worn out cover. Did his eyes mistake him? Surely it wasn't possible. But no matter how curious he was, he didn't stop to check.

Instead he continued to the end of the small library room before rushing down another set of staircase.

[Time remaining 00:27]

By the time he had reached the bottom, he found himself standing on another platform. There were countless corpses of disfigured lizard-like monsters laying around on the floor.

Rather than a large pool, or a simple hall, it was a large arena with a bridge connecting it. The arenas were surrounded by sharp pointed spikes under the bridge. There appeared to be some corpses there that had been impaled, but Gray couldn't tell for sure.

There were even more corpses in that arena. Some of these corpses of which seemed to have been partly eaten and it seemed to have been done by the alien looking dead monsters beside it.

The corpses all belonged to humans. In fact, not a single one of the corpses he had seen belonged to horned ones. Meaning it was humans which had cleared the Labyrinth up until this point.

Realising this, he knew he must have been close. There was no way they could have gotten that far.

Gray quickly ran across the bridge. His body at it's limits, almost collapsing from not having taken any breaks since he deployed the Chronos Field.

His heart pounding as he prayed that this was the floor.

He wanted to pass step all across to the other side, but it wasn't working. He didn't have enough stamina. He was afriad that if he forced it, he would lose consciousness.

Even his current stats still weren't enough for the burden the Level 3 Field placed on him.

[Level: 4

HP: 24/25

Strength: 28

Agility: 29