-1 Manual
2 The Start of the Disaster
3 Despair
4 The Dream
5 I take the responsibilities of what I say
6 We finally reached the first town!
7 3rd Gate is Open
8 The Young Master of God-Knows-Wha
9 Abnormal Monster
10 Berserk
11 Not a noble anymore...
12 Reaching Happiness Village
13 If you accept the deal, Isll give you a cookie
14 Meeting with the Aun
15 The Storm in the Sea
16 Fucking Spiders...
17 3 is better than 7
18 Engine
19 The God of this World
20 Marcos definition of sFuns
21 Alices definition of sFuns
22 Unexpected Audience with the King
23 The Goddess Sword was destroyed from...
24 Master Kurama, the Fortune-Teller
25 The Upgrade Ques
26 The Story of a Mermaid and a Sailor
27 A goddamn Whale Girl!!
28 Enraged Sea Queen
29 Just listen, you dumb bitch!
30 2.0
31 Haunted House
32 Fuck you
33 Wind Manipulation
34 Separation
35 ...Huh?
36 The Lamp Genie
37 Ism Druuuuuuuunk...! +18
38 The Legend of the Crimson Fucker
39 Walk like an egyptian
40 In the past... In HIS past...
41 The riddles
42 The Witch Hunter
43 §ρεсιαΙ Мσδз: Йιηэ ГαιΙ§
44 Alices return
45 Meeting with Lazarus
46 Earth Manipulation
47 Chain-claw
48 Reaching Grand Noah
49 Blacklis
50 The Colosseum
51 The Cerberus
52 The Mysterious Contestan
53 The Winner of the Queens Cup
54 Journey to the Eas
55 Reaching Yamatai Village
56 Yamata no Orochi
57 Mission Completed
58 The 3rd Party
59 White Flag
60 Wind Style: Bijuudama
61 Stoned
62 Game Over
63 Nine Tailed Chakra Gates
64 The Revelation
65 Reaching Kitsune Village
66 Plot Armor
67 Where is the PETA when one needs it?!
68 Here goes the BOOM!
69 Training with Alice
70 Attack on Titan?
71 Grangold
72 Warning +18 Rebellion
73 Another step for the Coexistence
74 There are Events?!
75 Rip and Tear until its done
76 Things took a strange turn...
77 A Village made of Women
78 Assaul
80 The Villain
81 The Protagonis
82 Serene Mind
83 The Dragon Slayer
84 In the past... In HER past...
85 Back to the Star
86 Beach time with the Monster Lord!
87 Whats this, a crossover episode?
88 I am you
89 Doppelganger
90 This is the wrong Script!
91 Alice, I have a feeling wesre not in Kansas anymore...
92 Does this count as sleeping with Twins? +18
93 Limbo
94 Wanted
96 Attempt to use Quadruple Giga
97 Deal
98 Important information
99 Reality is often disappointing...
100 Back!
101 Special 100th Chapter
102 Back to the main Scrip
103 ...........
104 I can cure lung cancer!
105 Winning against a Trauma
106 This is a Robbery
107 Pot of Gold!
108 We already met once, once was too much
109 How the fuck are you still alive!?
110 Another one bites the dus
111 Magnus
112 Edgy
113 Choke on a...
114 Heading to Hellgondo
115 Ism a statue...
116 The Thunder Empress
117 We are going on a trip, in a place call- DATA EXPUNGED
118 Unsurmountable
119 I declare War
120 Invasion
121 Behind the scenes
122 This is Bullshit!!
123 Balls of Steel
124 Loli
125 Fight between Physics and Psyche
126 I shall drag the Heaven in Hell!!!
127 R?????A???M???P????A????G????E????
128 ...Just kill me...
129 Its story time!
130 So thats what happened in the past...
131 Guess whos back? +18
132 You better get ready to die!
133 Zeus doesnst forgive
134 Lets speak about your Lord and Savior Yahweh!
135 The Little Mermaid
136 SCP-47 Wannabe
137 Back in the Forest of the Spirits
138 Gnomes back! +18
139 This isnst Twilight!
140 Ism working for my image
141 Heavy Metal
142 Snakes donst need to walk
143 Wrong shrine!
144 Deja Vu, Isve been in this place before...
145 Tsukuyomi... No, not the Sharingan one.
146 Wheres the Trap?
147 Arachnophobia +18
148 Dark Humor saves the day
149 How it started...
150 Meeting the dead one
151 And here is the last Spirit... +18
152 Finally back to the Safe Zone
153 She isnst human no matter how you look at i
154 5 minutes
155 ...Ilias, please save me
156 Dark Rebirth
157 The new Doom Overlord
158 Shirome the Undead
159 The Legendary Hero
160 Advanced Lessons
161 You are a Succubus... And your name is succubuss?
162 I am the Villain
163 Promesteins Dilemma
164 Counterattack
165 Another Doppelganger, csmon...
166 Alma Elma
167 Erubetie
168 Tamamo
169 Granberia
170 Elemental Techniques
171 Third World War
172 Betrayal
173 Finishing the fight befire it began
174 1 minute
175 Crap Baskets...
176 Congratulations, Savior.
177 Shop feature
178 Iliasburgs Tour
179 Happiness Vilage and Port Natalia Tour
180 Jahwe Tour