12 Miles Below

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12 Miles Below
Author: Mark Arrows
Time: 2022-07-24

  The world is in ruins.Extreme sub-zero temperatures suffocate the surface, making even simple survival an ordeal. Frozen derelicts of bygone eras span across massive ice wastes. And the elite few hoar...

  • Chapter 1: Only A Nightmare
  • Chapter 2: Prelude To Violence
  • Chapter 3: You Should Have Left it Closed, Dumbass
  • Chapter 4: Father
  • Chapter 5: A knife to a dream
  • Chapter 6: The Deathless
  • Chapter 7: A Monument to the Gods
  • Chapter 8: The Tomb of the Stars
  • Chapter 9: Never challenge a Winterscar
  • Chapter 10: つや
  • Chapter 11: The First Mile Below
  • Chapter 12: You Dont Belong Here
  • Chapter 13: A Test of Might and Mite
  • Chapter 14: The Face of Death
  • Chapter 15: Fight Like You Live
  • Chapter 16: Pyrrhic Victory
  • Chapter 17: The Way Home
  • Chapter 18: A Harsh Lesson To Learn
  • Chapter 19: Maw Of The Drake
  • Chapter 20: They Can Talk?
  • Chapter 21: The Meadow Underground
  • Chapter 22: The Goat
  • Chapter 23: Things of Metal And Pride
  • Chapter 24: Gift Of The Sun
  • Chapter 25: Journey
  • Chapter 26: Root administrator
  • Chapter 27: Predictive Modeling
  • Chapter 28: Reunion
  • Chapter 29: The friends wed made along the way
  • Chapter 30: No plan survives contact with the enemy
  • Chapter 31: Redemption
  • Chapter 32: Threes a crowd
  • Chapter 33: Nothing Personal
  • Chapter 34: Crucible
  • Chapter 35: Son
  • Chapter 36: Darkest before dawn
  • Chapter 37: Back into the frying pan
  • Chapter 38: Too shallow a grave
  • Chapter 39: The Supernatural Tag
  • Chapter 40: The mission we came for
  • Chapter 41: The secret left behind
  • Chapter 42: Solaris imperium
  • Chapter 43: Relinquished sends her regards
  • Chapter 44: One last act of service
  • Chapter 45: Demi-gods
  • Chapter 46: The final mile
  • Chapter 47: Epilogue
  • Extra - Book 2 Video Trailer
  • Book 2: Prologue
  • Book 2. Chapter 1: The dangerous message in a bottle
  • Book 2. Chapter 2: Five Simple Letters
  • Book 2. Chapter 3: Questions (T)
  • Book 2. Chapter 4: Wrong Neighborhood
  • Book 2. Chapter 5: Enemies today, allies tomorrow
  • Book 2. Chapter 6: The war underground (T)
  • Book 2. Chapter 7: Homecoming
  • Book 2. Chapter 8: In which Keith has a wholesome day off
  • Book 2. Chapter 9: The Occultists Cookbook, First Edition
  • Book 2. Chapter 10: The realm of souls
  • Book 2. Chapter 11: The empty throne
  • Book 2. Chapter 12: In which an old lady yells at Keith
  • Book 2. Chapter 13: Elder hermit of the armor, what is your wisdom?
  • Book 2. Chapter 14: Blood to iron
  • Book 2 - Interlude - Atius
  • Book 2. Chapter 15: Stay Still, Stay Quiet
  • Book 2. Chapter 16: Trial of the Occult blade
  • Book 2 - Interlude - Kidra, (1)
  • Book 2 - Interlude - Kidra - (2)
  • Book 2. Chapter 17: Sneaky bastards
  • Book 2. Chapter 18: The first blade of House Winterscar
  • Book 2. Chapter 19: Meaning of life (T)
  • Book 2. Chapter 20: Fish and letter
  • Book 2. Chapter 21: Call the ships to port
  • Book 2. Chapter 22: Worthy
  • Book 2. Chapter 23: Defeat Means Friendship
  • Book 2. Chapter 24: A taste of blood (T)
  • Book 2. Chapter 25: You should gloat
  • Book 2. Chapter 26: The names we carry (T)
  • Book 2. Chapter 27: Chosen
  • Book 2. Chapter 28: Chosen
  • Book 2. Chapter 28: The danger of an honest man
  • Book 2: Chapter 29: Sell you a dream
  • Book 2: Chapter 30: Follow me to the end of the world
  • Book 2: Chapter 31: Bargains offered by the devil
  • Book 2. Chapter 32: Kidra (T)
  • Book 2. Chapter 33: Death (T)
  • Book 2. Chapter 34: A major test of strength (T)
  • Book 2. Chapter 35: Crafting Occult weapons for profit and destruction
  • Top