Toaru Majutsu no Index SP

A collection of four short stories and un, previously only seen lia illustrations, the width and height of the light novel is greater than a regular light novel, using B6 paper instead of the usual A6 paperThe light novel marks for the first time that both Haimura Kiyotaka and Fuyukawa Motoi are credited as illustrators on the sale lican Church’s Necessarius When Stiyl arrives in Academy City once more, his way is blocked by Theodosia Electra, a fellowwith Stiyl lies with a girl naicians over the techniques of the Dvergr froician froht, has been instructed to save his boss’ little sister Mark ed to safely make contact with his boss’ sister aboard a survey shi p, the Blue Research, but a ician who seems to be from a different cabal attacks Mark plans to rescue his boss’ sister using his personalthrough District 21 of Acadeician named Fleiss Due to Kamijou’s usual misfortune, he so with Fleiss In the process, Kamijou hears of some ridiculous information from Fleiss about an unknown lifefor occurs in Acade resolve the situation The ultie scale terrorist attack on Acade along at 120kph, Uiharu struggles alongside Yomikawa of Anti-Skill